Wednesday, August 28, 2013

To hire or not to hire... The age old Interior Design Question

To Hire or Not to Hire? The age old Interior Design question. 

In a world of Houzz, HG TV, Pinterest, home image libraries and DIY guides, people have decided that perhaps they really can take their own home from “drab to fab” simply by utilizing these tools. However, these same folks often walk away from their newly completed project and wonder why it doesn’t have that certain pizazz. Why doesn’t the new living room look like the 32 glossy pictures of living rooms that you pinned?

To put it simply, interior designers exist for a reason. We are creative by nature, have gone through extensive schooling, and spent time slaving away in the back of fabric libraries all in the hopes of helping someone, like you, design their home. Understanding space, scale, color, and style are all critical to perfecting the look of a space. It doesn’t mean that someone with a natural eye and passion for interior design can’t properly utilize these newly available tools in order to achieve domestic bliss! These tools are also a fantastic way for you to see what your likes and dislikes are and even can be unbelievably helpful in simple tasks such as deciding what color to paint a room. 

On the flip side, for the majority of those happily pinning away inspiration images for their new dining room, the result is a hodge-podge of ideas all thrown into one space. For the sake of your own home and in an effort to actually put your furniture budget to good use, do some research on local interior designers. Thirty percent of designers in this country are self-employed and I guarantee most of them are looking for new business. The interior design world is in a process of reinventing itself and gone(well almost) are the the days of snotty high-end designers who want to tell you what you must like and how much you must spend! They aren’t extinct if that is what you are seeking however freelance interior designers or boutique firms are generally happy to offer you options on flat-fees, hourly design work, consulting fees for quick ideas and the prices may pleasantly surprise you. Also,this generation of designers and the ones quickly coming up behind us are far more in tune with the needs and wishes of our clients. Do you have 3 dogs, 7 kids, and a need a space that in indestructible? No problem! Are you single, working 80 hours a week, and want your home to become a zen retreat with every object carefully chosen and placed? Piece of cake. 

Still feel that hiring a local designer is too expensive? Then do what we all do best and get on the Internet! Designers in all parts of the country are expanding their design practices to include “E-decorating” services. For a small amount of work on your part, you can receive complete room designs including floor plans, mood boards, detailed lists of instructions ( paint color/ relocating furniture) and a list of everything to buy from a qualified designer. It is an easy way to have an expert successfully marry inspiration with reality. 

As an interior designer, I believe with every fiber of my being that our surroundings shape our consciousness. Changing the space you live or work in everyday absolutely alters your mood, your thought process, your energy level, and so much more. Luckily, people are beginning to see that with a plethora of  tools accompanied with well designed, budget friendly options, the dream of creating a domestic sanctuary is dangling right in front of them. While I fully support getting your hands dirty and becoming a part of the design process,maybe, when you are ready to take action, you will take a minute to assess the options at hand.

Perhaps, for now, you continue to make idea books online and pour over thousands of design blogs that guarantee the recipe to design success. Just keep in mind that every space is unique and a carefully trained eye might actually save you a lot of time and money. Not to mention you will have serious bragging rights as your space will look as sexy as those glossy photos you have been collecting. 

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